Article by Fred Matheny and Ed Pavelka
Dog attacks are high on the list of cycling fears. Maybe you can’t stop a dog from giving chase, but you can outsmart him if you know how dogs think.
Know dog psychology. The majority of dogs who chase cyclists are merely defending their territory. When you pedal off the section of road that they consider their turf, you no longer pose a threat to their ancestral instincts and they lose interest. Incidentally, this is why you’ll rarely be chased by a dog you encounter way out in the boonies. He’s not on his turf so he couldn’t care less about you.
Know dog tactics. Dogs want to attack from the rear, coming up from the hindquarter. Even one who sits up in his yard ahead of you may wait till you pass before giving chase. You can use this to your advantage in the next tip because it gives you a head start.
Sprint! You often can outsprint a dog when he’s more interested in fooling around than in actually attacking. You can tell his intent by how hard he’s running and his expression. An easy gait with woofing and ears and tail up, no problem. A full-out sprint with ears back, tail down and teeth out, problem. Still, the territorial gene can save you. If the road is flat or downhill, stand up and sprint to get past the dog’s invisible boundary.
Guard your front wheel. When a dog sees you coming, he might make a beeline for your bike, then attempt to turn up beside you. The danger here is that his poor little paws will skid on the pavement and he’ll plow into your wheels. If he hits the front one, you’ll crash. Sprint so that you move forward faster than he expects, and give him a margin for error by steering farther into the road—if traffic permits!
SCREAM! Most dogs know what happens when a human is angry with them. A sudden shout of “No!” or “Git!” or “Stay!” will surprise a dog and probably make him hesitate for just the second you need to take the advantage. If he’s hard of hearing, raise your hand threateningly as if it contains a rock. Outlaw mutts usually have had experience with bad things flying at them when a human makes a throwing gesture.
Play douse the Doberman. If you see big, fast Prince up ahead and know that he sees you, sprinting might not work. Especially if the road is tilting up. Take out your water bottle. Just having it in your hand may make him stay away. If he does come near you, give him a faceful and a loud yell. This distraction will slow him down, though he may come back for more. Just don’t distract yourself and ride off the road.
Give up and get off. If nothing works and the dog has the upper hand, dismount quickly and hold your bike between you and those sharp teeth. Swing it like a weapon if necessary, and start calling for help. Someone may eventually come out of a house and yell, “Oh, he won’t hurt you!” If you are attacked and bitten, get medical attention without delay. If the dog was rabid, you are at risk of serious illness or even death.
I use this same tactic on my ex-wife
Dear Bicyclethailand staff,
This is my first time to visit your site.
If you are troubled with dog attack while riding a bicycle, I strongly recommend you all to sport a non-lethal, non-toxic weapon for self-defense.
Since my settlement in Thailand, I have encountered with countless attempted dog attacks.
It is almost a miracle that I have never got a bite from them.
3 years ago, I started to carry a deterrent spray which is homemade.
I have happened to find out they hate the smell of vinegar, chili, pepper worst.
And I have known their sense of smell is 50000 times sharper than man for many years.
So I have decided to use my knowledge against them.
Common spray with trigger & adjustable nozzle choke makes a prefect weapon.
Attach a compact screw top bottle that fits the spray.
Turn the nozzle clicks to the right for max range(6-7m).
Fill up the tank with vinegar, pepper & chili mixture(filtered).
I also created holders to carry them around.
One for the bicycle; drum canteen slung from the steering bar with 2 nylon belts.
The other on my shoulder through the neck.
They worked perfectly well.
I have beaten more than 150 mean dogs on over 100 occasions ever since I employed my current method.
Once they are shot with this, they usually start to avoid me.
I can also sometimes help strangers under dog attacks.
PVC spray for everyone.
With this $1 weapon, you will no longer fear any stupid aggressive dogs you might meet.
I have recently posted a short video on the expats’ community site.
Hope my information will brighten your cycling life.
When the force of brute strikes, the best defense is our readiness.
If there are any mean dogs standing in your way to intimidate you, defeat them by force vice versa.
Teach them the lesson they never forget.