72km Bangkok (Pakkred) to Ayutthaya Road Ride
Route: 72km point to point road ride from Pakkred to Ayutthaya
Download and view the route by clicking here (.kml format)
Length: 72km
Configuration: Point to point
This is a really great ride that can be done in about four hours. It’s pretty much all sealed road. The ride leaves from Pakkred to avoid Bangkok roads. There and back in a day is doable, especially on a road bike, but we stayed a night at Tony’s Place in Ayutthaya (marked on the Google Map), where they have rooms from 300 Baht and up. Thanks to Chris for the invitation, and Nichada Jacks for showing the way!
Here is a Google Earth image of the route –
Here are a couple of pics from this ride –
That was a really nice ride! Thanks for that!
Hi there, what is the best way to get to Wat Toei, We are setting off from Sukhumvit from our school for a charity bike ride. We want to avoid these roads and start from Wat Toei, although it seems there is no public transport to that point.
You advise would be greatly appreciated.