If you ride a mountain bike then you have experienced a broken derailleur hanger. And hopefully it performed its duty well and saved your precious (and expensive) derailleur from becoming a twisted and useless piece of modern art.
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So, now that you have to find a new derailleur hanger here are the problems you may encounter, especially if you are living and riding in Thailand:
- The guy or shop who sold you the bike doesn't have replacements
- Your bike is an older model and they don't make them anymore
- The distributor/importer in Thailand doesn't have them
- You can only find one (and you'd rather have 3 or 4 just in case)
Have no fear, we have the solution to all of these problems.
We've had a little known company's website listed on our CLUBS & LINKS page since 2010. The company is Derailleurhanger.com and they manufacture derailleur hangers to fit nearly every make and model of bike to use the little aluminum frame and derailleur savers. Also, delivery to Thailand is never a problem. We've had more than a dozen sent to us here over the past seven years.